Moore St. Demolition Gets Green Light | Western Government are Guilty of...
Moore St Demolition Gets Green LightThe battle to save the iconic 1916 Moore Street Battlefield site has been ongoing for over 20 years. During that time there have been a series of plans by...
View ArticleWIN | South Africa Supports Irish Unity
WINThis year’s Sinn Féin Ard Fheis last weekend was full of enthusiasm and passion with great speeches covering every issue imaginable and the delegates voting through policy motions that will help...
View ArticleLeo's Unity Words are Welcome | Seeds For The Future | It didn't begin a year...
Leo’s unity words are welcomeIrish Unity is the big idea that will positively transform society on this island. Its popularity is growing and the economic, political, and social arguments in support...
View ArticleEthel Kennedy | Irish America’s role in Irish Unity
Ethel KennedyIt was with sadness I heard last week of the death of Ethel Kennedy, the wife of assassinated US Senator Robert Kennedy. She was aged 96. Ethel Kennedy was with her husband in Los Angeles...
View ArticleGlór na Móna Abú | Roy Walsh | Save Moore Street
Glór na Móna AbúLast Saturday night I was privileged to attend the oíche mhór Ghlór na Móna in Belfast’s City Hall. The event was to celebrate twenty years of this amazing Irish language initiative...
View ArticleCage Eleven | No Parking | Sanctions Now.
Cage Eleven. This coming weekend O’Brien Press are republishing my book – Cage 11 - about my experience of life in Long Kesh between August 1975 and February 1977. Cage 11 was first published in 1990....
View ArticlePrison Poems by Bobby Sands | Rally to Defend Moore St this weekend | Irish...
Prison Poems by Bobby SandsIn a recent interview Christy Moore remarked that the death of Bobby Sands robbed us of a great writing talent. Christy was praising the quality of the work Bobby created in...
View ArticleTime for a Change of Government | Judicial Review lodged in defence of Moore...
Time for a Change of Government. The southern general election was called last Friday. In just over two weeks’ time 174 Teachtaí Dála (TDs) will be elected to the Dáil – an increase of 14 over the...
View ArticleThe Local and the National | Mind Your Language | Lá Breithe Richard
The local and the nationalI have been doing a wee bit of canvassing in the General Election in the South. The response has been positive. There are clearly some who see election campaigns, including...
View ArticleSinn Féin Can Win This Election | Sanctions Urgently Needed Against Israel |...
SINN FÉIN CAN WIN THIS ELECTION. During the General Election campaign I have been in several constituencies. In Dublin, in Drogheda, Dundalk, and Donegal and some other places in between. People are...
View ArticleThe Numbers Game | Christmas in Long Kesh 1976 | Cage Eleven | Solidarity...
The Numbers Game.As I pen these lines it is too soon to attempt a deep analysis of the Leinster House election. Not all the counts have concluded although there is enough to form general impressions...
View ArticleProtecting Our Environment | Palestinians Treated as Subhuman - Amnesty...
Protecting our environmentLast week the Northern Executive took welcome and decisive action to protect our environment, our health and jobs by committing to a ban on all forms of onshore petroleum...
View ArticleRelease Leonard Peltier | Hunger for Justice | People Want To Talk About Unity.
Release Leonard PeltierLast week I posted a Christmas card to Leonard Peltier. I dont know if he will receive it. Or the numerous other notes and cards I have sent over the years. At 80 years of age...
View ArticleOne Flu Over? | Gearóid Ó Cairealláin - The Definitive Activist | Israeli...
ONE FLU OVER?I have the flu. It’s a sign of my loyalty to you dear reader, that I write this column in my sick bed. Bathed in sweat. I’ve changed my T shirt four times since Saint Stephen’s Day. I ran...
View ArticleNollaig Na mBan | Ted Howell - Republican | Francesca Albanese - A Champion...
Nollaig na mBanMonday 6 January is traditionally the date on which the Christmas decorations are taken down. In the Christian calendar it marks the end of the Christmas season and the visit of the Magi...
View ArticleA Good Start To 2025 | Let the Music Keep Your Spirits High | Sanctions Must...
A Good Start To 2025. On Saturday last leading trade union activists from across the island of Ireland came together in Newry for a packed Ireland’s Future event in the Thomas Davis Hub. It was a wet...
View ArticleDublin Lacks Ambition | Presidential Vote | Solidarity with the people of...
Dublin Lacks AmbitionLast week Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael, supported by the regional independents, published their Programme for Government 2025. This contains the objectives set by the government...
View ArticleStramer Waiving Rules | Leonard Peltier - Going Home
Starmer Waiving The Rules. According to the British Prime Minister Keir Starmer his government is looking at "every conceivable way" to prevent me and at least 300 other people from receiving...
View ArticlePartitionism Rules. | International support grows for Palestinian Struggle |...
Partitionism Rules. Simon Harris has said that Irish unity is not a priority for him. That is self-evident. But for him to say so is at odds with the stated position of most senior Irish politicians...
View ArticleThe World Stands at a Tipping Point | My Internment by Roseleen Walsh |...
The World Stands at a Tipping PointIn the months leading up to the invasion of Iraq by American and British forces and others in March 2003 Martin McGuinness and I warned Tony Blair and President Bush...
View ArticleThe Re-interment of Frank Stagg | Pet Hates
The Re-interment of Frank Stagg. Last week we remembered Frank Stagg who died on hunger strike in an English prison in February 1976. Frank began his fourth and final hunger strike in December 1975....
View ArticleBrendan McFarlane | Taking A Stand. | Fáilte abhaile Leonard
Brendan McFarlaneOn Tuesday we buried our friend and comrade Brendan McFarlane. Bik texted me just over 2 weeks or so ago to say he was back in hospital. He had been battling cancer for some time. A...
View ArticleSeachtain na Gaeilge | Death of Dafyyd Elis-Thomas
Seachtain na GaeilgeSeachtain na Gaeilge used to run for one week but because it was so popular it was extended. It now runs annually from 1 March to 17 March – St. Patrick’s Day. Is í Seachtain na...
View ArticleNa Mná Abú | Let's Welcome the World | Opening the Gates of Hell
Na Mná Abú.I have been a life-long supporter of Antrim’s footballers and hurlers. And the Camógs as well. Colette played county back in the day. Back in another day I had a dream that I too might make...
View ArticleDefend Neutrality | Support the Occupied Territories Bill | Beannachtaí na...
Defend NeutralityIf truth be told the long standing claim of neutrality by the southern Irish state is not all its made out to be. It is a fact that successive Irish governments have turned a blind...
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